Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
How Did You Spend Earth Hour?

Earth Hour was a big hit at our house. The little ones were already fast asleep which allowed candles to be scattered about the carpet. E&E and I played clue by "fire" light.
They has so much fun that they asked if we could have earth hour every night.
It was quiet and slow and peaceful and...fun.
There was such a limit to what we could do and the need to share candle light kept us all close.
I am glad for the global inspiration. We will do it again soon.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Little Miss M and her Big Day
Here is Little Miss Margaret all ready for her first day of school.
She goes to an amazing preschool called Montessori World. If anyone is looking for a great preschool in Vancouver, I highly recommend it!
It is a very interesting thing to watch her embark on this new experience; it is the first time she is doing something without the buffer of at least on of her siblings. This school is all her own and no one else in the family is sharing her experience. She loves painting with pink paint and she told me today that there is a boy in her class named "Handsome". I am not sure whether that is his given name or how Margaret is describing him!
I now have all four children in school. It is quite a milestone in the RB household. It is also why I have time to blog today. I actually have a day off work and 2 hours without children...this has never happened before :)
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
Thought for the Day
Never confuse the person, formed in the image of God, with the evil that is in him: because evil is but a chance misfortune, an illness, a devilish reverie. But the very essence of the person is the image of God, and this remains in him despite every disfigurement.
~St. John of Kronstadt
~St. John of Kronstadt
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Doing it Right the First Time Everytime
Do you know CPR?
You are much more likely to be called on to perform CPR on a family member than a stranger. This life saving technique should be learned by everyone in you home--even the kids!
Wonderful things can happen when CPR performed. Always dial 9-1-1 as soon as someone collapses and then start CPR. If you forget what to do or don't know your friendly neighbourhood Emergency Dispatcher will guide you through it.
What story do you think this picture tells? Think about it for a moment.....
Now check it out.
I'm Back
I have been very neglectful of this blog. My life has gotten in the way.
Family and work are great--and I think they may have melded into one...
I have been reading a lot of "7 Habits", "How to get to Yes" "Fierce Conversations" type liturature at the moment--that and "Statistics for Dummies"--in an effort to make some positive changes at work. Well I think someone is getting the message.
This morning my 3 year old came up to me with a blanket framing her face and said,
"Mom, I am sure you will agree that I look like Red Riding Hood"?!?!?!
Now if only the employees would pick it up that quick!
Family and work are great--and I think they may have melded into one...
I have been reading a lot of "7 Habits", "How to get to Yes" "Fierce Conversations" type liturature at the moment--that and "Statistics for Dummies"--in an effort to make some positive changes at work. Well I think someone is getting the message.
This morning my 3 year old came up to me with a blanket framing her face and said,
"Mom, I am sure you will agree that I look like Red Riding Hood"?!?!?!
Now if only the employees would pick it up that quick!
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