Sunday, January 01, 2006

One of my favourite prayers

This is one of my favourite prayers. It seemed fitting to post it on the first day of the year. This is a lovely prayer to add to your morning prayers. It just seems to set the tone for the day. I pray it will bless you.
Happy New Year

Prayer of Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow

Lord, I know not what to ask of You. You alone know what my true needs are. You love me more than I myself know how to love. Help me to see my real needs which may be hidden from me. I dare not ask for either a cross or a consolation. I can only wait upon You; my heart is open to You. Visit and help me in Your steadfast love. Strike me and heal me; cast me down and raise me up. I worship in silence Your holy will. I offer myself to You as a living sacrifice. I put all my trust in You. I have no other desire than to fulfill Your will. Teach me to pray. Pray Yourself in me.


thomasw said...

i can relate to that pray except for the last line: 'pray yourself in me'....that seems too vague for me to pray in any sincerity, for i'd be asking myself what am i saying here??? what exactly do i mean, etc??? which is not conducive to worship or adoration---at least for me... but the other parts are clear and easy for a simple manly man like me to comprehend:) btw, it seems like an ecumenical prayer, as if it could be said by anyone who trusts in a 'god'. though it reminds me of the one by met. philaret. from where did you find it, kimrb?

thomasw said...

ughh, i just saw the title of your post...sorry for the dumbass question. the brownishness doesn't show well in my browser; i will change my firefox theme now so it does, as this has happened to me previously, too. [that is my excuse:P]

happy new year btw!

Tabatha said...

Happy New Year!!

I might steal your prayer.

RW said...

Happy New Year Kim.

Thanks for the posting the prayer.

Matthew Francis said...

You know, Kim, that is one of my favourite prayers, too.

Krista and I pray that every night together.

Thanks for all your encouraging words here on the blog. It's fun to share and hear what our friends are up to...