This Sunday, St Nina Mission Station in Vancouver, BC will celebrate it's first ever Divine Liturgy!!!!! We are even importing the fabulous Akeiko Rown from Victoria to lead our congregation in song.
The Anglican Diocese of New Westminster and its Bishop Michael Igham have granted us the use of St George Anglican Church. The service will begin promptly at 0900 am. We are sharing this space with an Anglican parish that begins their service at 1115am and we don't want to keep them waiting! This will be our home from this Sunday and into the foreseeable future.
Please come prepared to spend the early afternoon celebrating at Douglas Park Community Centre. This is a ten minute walk from the church and there is lots of free parking--you may even want to park there and walk over to the church, where parking is less plentiful. We have rented a gathering room where we can share a POTLUCK luncheon. Coffee and juice will be provided. Please help us make this a feast! I'll bring the cheesecake! This space overlooks the children's playground and we can all have a picnic outside if the weather co-operates.
If you know you are coming could you please send me an email--just so I know how many plates and napkins to bring (and how big of a Starbucks carafe I need to order!)
kimrb at shaw dot ca.
I would love some suggestions on flowers. What do you think are the most festal/celebratory varieties? If you live in Vancouver, do you know a good, well priced flower market?
Check out Holy Cross UBC for updates until we get the St Nina website up and running; our webmaster is in Russia at the moment. I look forward to sharing this first service with you. Please everyone join me in prayer for our Mission Station and its members.
I so wish I could be there. Blessings!
I will be thinking of you when we pray for Queen Elizabeth II!
This is so cool. This will be such an amazing day. Know Krista and I will be praying with you from here across the Rocky Mountains!
i know i am too late but if you need flowers in the future go to Kits Flowers on Yew Street just up from Cornwall. it is a corner market but the flowers are plentiful, beautiful and cheap!
Thanks for the suggestion--I may stroll over there on Saturday.
When are you back?
Such good news!!!!
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