Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Man I Want to Stand Me Up.

I have only ever been stood up on a date once...and that twist of fate (or act of God) brought me to meet my husband that night instead--thank you Lloyd where ever you are! I have been concerned this week that I might cross paths with someone that I would rather avoid. I have not met Ernesto and quite frankly I don't want to; he is far too unpredictable and has a history of violence. I was worried that I would have to make his aquaintance on Thursday, but it now looks like I will be avoiding this awkward, inconvenient and potentially dangerous meeting all together.
Mu future sister in law has invited me to spend some time with her so we can get to know one another and so I am leaving my family far behind this week to bond with the sister I always wanted, but never had. And Ernesto? Well,there is no room for a stormy man when the girls are on the town!


RW said...

Well, that sounds like a good time...

We had a very enjoyable dinner on Sunday evening. Thanks for the hospitality!

MommaKim said...

We were having such a fabulous time laughing at the misheard comments that I don't think we even got onto the subject of my upcoming trip. I will take lots of pictures that I will share upon my return next Wednesday. Please keep my husband the the **** in the dirt in your prayers!

RW said...

Truly, I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time... even now I am laughing...

matthew christopher davidson said...


I decided that you should go by the name "Kirk-Mum-berly".

Or, you could just let "Mat." stand for "Matron" or "Matriarch".

Tabatha said...

Where are you? Whereever you are take care!

MommaKim said...

Ohhh thanks Matthew....because of course Matron and Matriarch are soooo much more flattering than Matushka! :)
I just don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
Try saying kirkmumberly 3 times fast...

MommaKim said...

What for it Tab....the next post will have pictures!

Mimi said...

You look great!