Here they are this morning. How big they are: 3 and 5. How did that happen?
We are having the family over for a spaghetti dinner tonight and tomorrow they are having a "King and Princess" party with 12 little friends and Cupcake the Party Clown!!! She is the best clown ever! Fun, fun, fun. Alas, I must go and bake a cake and cook some spaghetti sauce and make 12 party crowns and 12 loot bags....
wow! they are so big!
Happy happy birthday and many years!
Happy, happy Birthday indeed! And Many Years!
WE have a homebirthed baby ourselves (who will be 11 next month)
Homebirthed babies. It is truly such a wonderful wonderful thing. Both my girls were born at home and the boys in the hospital. Funny how things work out. My favourite is little Greta's 1 hour and 50 minute labour and water birth. I don't know why I didn't do that with the first!!!
So - how was the party? How were the costumes?
I look forward to seeing them.
Happy Belated Birthday and I just can't get over how big you two are!! And great job with those costumes Kim!
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